♻ Training on Advance Features
a) MS-Paint. b) Sublime (For advance code), c) MS-Word (2016)
d) MS-PowerPoint. e) XAMPP Vertual Server, f) PageMaker 7.0.
g) PhotoShop 7.0 (For Resizing images and dimensions), h) Visual Studio Code (App)
***** ♻ Frontend and Backend Programming *****
♻ Programming and coding languages used
1) Java, 2) PHP with Database, 3) CSS, 4) HTML 5, 5) HTML, 6) MYSQL,
7) JavaScript (ES6) and later version, New advance event & Web APIs, DOM's new Methods & Properties, 8) BOOTSTRAP, 9) SQL., 10) Python(.py)
10) Final Project on Website, 11) Final Project on Management Software. (Online)